Growing A New Instagram Account
I finally fight all of my excuses and run an Instagram account for @creativeclutters. Actually, I made the account last year but ... I let excuses and fear get in my way. I told myself I am too busy, too many deadlines, what if no one likes it, it'll be a waste of time, better to put the time in projects.
I mean starting an Instagram account with zero followers while your peers already have thousands or hundred of thousands can be a bit unnerving.
So . . . I finally decided to put time and effort to @creativeclutters instagram. Making original content with inspiring pops of colors and just put it out there.
If you have an instagram .. please drop by and say "hi" ... I am always looking to meet other Instagrammers whose obsessed with colors as much as we do.
I hope it can inspire you as well!
note : This is how my instagram feed looks like when i wrote this post. Still a tiny followings but I manage to grow it from 58 to 96 within a week. So it's still a progress :) a 165% growth ... ha ha .. tiny growth ... but I am still very grateful.